The Slough Brewing Collective prioritizes the safety and well-being of all peoples. 

We expect everyone in the space to be conscientious of how they physically take up space around other guests, vendors and staff. Language can be harmful, regardless of intention, so we ask that all people in our space be mindful of the language they use around others. 

Everyone that comes to The Slough is expected to drink responsibly. Drinking beer to the point that it impairs your ability to operate a vehicle (i.e. automobiles, motorcycles or bicycles) or make safe decisions for yourself, and others around you, is highly discouraged and will be actively prevented by all staff on hand. Your cooperation is expected. 

Additionally, The Slough adheres to local, state and federal public health guidelines and mandates. We expect all staff, patrons and collaborators to follow the policies we enact to comply with public health guidelines while on our premises. 

Violations of our code of conduct could result in a temporary or indefinite ban. 

Respect others.